4 Camping Safety Tips for a Safe and Fun Trip

Spending time in the great outdoors can be awe-inspiring yet challenging. With a little preparation and know-how, you can keep camping fun and safe. For those who plan to flee their homes for the relaxation of a campground this summer, follow these four camping safety tips for a fun and safe trip.
1. Prepare for unpredictable weather
Inclement weather can arrive quickly and unexpectedly. It’s a good idea to get oriented with the campsite when you arrive and keep a portable radio on hand. If expecting a storm, secure tents and tarps with durable rope and shock-absorbing tie-downs to help you withstand strong winds, and be prepared to evacuate to a nearby shelter to wait out a really bad storm.
2. Pack the right camping safety gear
Be prepared for any weather or temperature by layering and bringing a waterproof or windproof outer layer. Always bring a first aid kit that includes antiseptics for cuts, pain relievers and a snake-bite kit. When camping in a tent, don’t forget the rainfly.
3. Practice campfire safety
An essential camping safety tip to follow is to build campfires in a pit or bare patch of dirt and keep it low and away from brush. Make sure that your fire or grill is never left unattended and ensure that it’s completely extinguished before leaving your campsite or retiring for the night. Be prepared for an emergency by packing a compact, lightweight fire extinguishing spray such as the First Alert EZ Fire Spray, which features a familiar spray-can design and allows users more control than conventional fire extinguishers to stop fires fast.
4. Don’t camp alone
Always tell someone where you're camping, especially if you choose to head out alone, so they’ll have a better chance of tracking you down if you do get lost. Buy a trail map, carry a compass and whistle, and don't rely on your phone since service may be spotty and drain your battery. If you do take a detour, make sure to bring extra water and food.
Follow these four camping safety tips this season to help ensure safe travels and a fun trip for everyone.